By 2055 there is a possibility that the USA will be Godless and Gunless nation. The two things the Conservatives think what America is supposed to be about and make it great, It will not be the liberals that make this happen. But the MAGAGOP NRA Evangelicals themselves that bring this about.
None of their Christian Nationalism is bringing people to Christ, fact is it is turning them away. A year into the Trump Presidency, Friendly Atheist had an article about how less Christians are "sharing the gospel". Because NO ONE wants to hear about their religion. The one that is separating families at the border, taking away women's reproductive rights, attacking vulnerable groups while protecting abusers in their own ranks and flooding them with a barrage of lies they cannot escape.
Why would I or any sane person want to be any part of that? It is all because these places have become cesspools infested with toxic people.
I read this blog and hear about the drama he put up with at the church he finally left and others who were pushed out by the fanatics and how now him and these others are now not conservative or Christian anymore.
When the Fanatics take over the moderate sane people leave and the organization shrinks gets more toxic to the point that no new members want to join. Why join a church or any social organization that will just add more drama and stress to your life?
In 40 years Gun Culture went from being about mostly hunters and sport to the cult of SELF DEFENSE and MILITAS. Six Shooters and Lever Action Rifles got replaced by black taciticool rifles and prepping for some Mad Max scenario. Kids under the threat of school shootings and having to do lockdown drills are not going to embrace gun ownership.
Gun chuds come out and say "I teach my son to love guns and hunt" good for you while you do that ten others are not.
When people leave, it is NEVER their fault, no Satan pulled them away. It was video games that caused their son to quit sportsball and now will not be Captain Varsity. Not the fact he never had any talent or passion and was only there out of obligation because you made him do it and spent 80% of the time riding bench and the other 20% being target of abuse from adults.
Oh but it was Super Mario that pulled him away. Not the washed up high school hero who was his coach screaming at him or watching other dads get into fights with each other. 65'5 of kids in sports will burn out before 13. To quote Michael French of Retroblasting "Maybe the kids ran screaming to video games because you screwed up royal."
Trump is at some Evangelical Convention in Nashville rambling about baseball fields being replaced by "knocker fields". His rotting brain is probably trying to say soccer, because brown people are coming in and prefer that to Baseball, America's "past time". Little League Participation has been in decline since 1995, I see it with the young new hires at my job, I can get into conservations with them about the video game Insurgency Sandstorm than any recent sports game that happened recently except for major events like the Super Bowl. If immigrants are changing our sports preference SO WHAT? 75 years ago the top three sports was Baseball, Boxing and Horse Racing. Now only one is a major attraction.

Madame Web failed because it was a GARBAGE movie, not because it refused to cater to the "real fans" these REAL fans forget that the MCU was a box office juggernaut because it appealed to the casual movie goer who does not have a Masters Degree in Super Hero Studies from a State University. Casual movie goers only care about the A list Super Heroes not a film about some D List Side Character they barely know about. They will go to see a Superman Film, not some lower budget film about Jimmy Olsen. Super Hero Fatigue is real, it is from the casuals getting fatigued over the steady stream of garbage. Trump MAGA Fatigue is also real despite these polls saying Trump is leading people are getting tired of the constant ramblings and constant drama. Like the Westerns they got so bad that every one will want them GONE. None of these things can keep going on like this.
Outside forces are not destroying these things, they are collapsing from the rot that is happening on the inside. .