Monday, February 12, 2024

Holy War (Sign of the BeefCarver Fate)

So Trump want to wage Holy War Against Taylor Swift, because in his eyes and the eyes of any Cult and Cult Leader her greatest sin  is being more popular than them. Trump is having a tantrum because she got Time Person of the Year and not him. Then people joked MAGA will use Kid Rock. Then news came out that is EXACTLY what MAGA is going to do. 

Kid Rock has not been anything resembling relevant since the 1990s. Swift has massive cultural power, her Person of the Year edition sold more copies of that magazine that Time sold ALL YEAR. The Religious Right and their culture wars has a LONG history of losing.

Tried to stop Jazz - LOST

Tried to stop Rock Music - LOST

Tried to stop Comic Books - LOST

Tried to stop Elvis - LOST

Tried to stop Television - LOST

Tried to stop Dungeons and Dragons - LOST

Tried to stop Video Games - LOST

Tried to stop Teletubbies - LOST

They did overturn ROE and how well has that worked out for them? 

Seem like their LIVING ALL POWERFUL GOD of ONE SUPREME TRUTH is just weak against secular pop culture, it is as if this God really is not some undeniable force of nature but another cultural construct and without the hype and attention it just fades away like all other Gods or cultural IPs that has faded away. Because all Gods eventually die from the same terminal illness, Irrelevance.

That is where their religion is heading, 28% of America are now NONES, and that ratio is higher among Millennials and Gen Z.

This all reminds me of that scene in the Avengers where Tony Stark is in Stark Tower, telling Loki there is no version of this where he comes out in top. Loki says all there is is the war. Stark replies, we have a Hulk. We have Taylor Swift. Army of God went down to Texas to do something at the border. 700,000 were supposed to show up but only like 500 did and got there and saw there is no invasion. 

Trump wants to call Swift disloyal if she endorses Biden because he was the reason she is a star. Look fool she was already rising to the top when Obama was president and Trump being president would have been some sick joke. 

Then there is the "We have 75 million gun owners the worlds largest army" No you don't, not all gun owners are of the same political bloc and of those that are how many of them and their guns are "mission capable" I saw that convoy in Texas most of them look older than me, obese and out of shape. Best you have is a fat kid who shot a guy with a skateboard. BTW he is getting FATTER. How are you going to get those you do have together and get them organized into a cohesive fighting force? Then there is the entire problem of FEEDING THEM. You know they need to eat, add in the medical issues that will crop up. Eagle Pass TX, has already shown us you can barely do any of that.

LIVING OFF THE LAND is not a plan or solution. You have manly man with GUNS. We have Taylor Swift.

Here is the kicker, you see US Civil War 2 and a possible WW3 will be Digital Age Battlespaces and wars also accelerate tech advances. WW2 gave us the Atomic Age but these wars will give us the Age of AI. Because both of these wars will be about who has access to information and advanced weapon systems not who has guns and macho. We are already seeing the run up to this in Ukraine, Russia was all hyper macho heavy armor and brute force then immediately got ravaged by Ukrainians using Drones, Javelins and NLAWS, after 2 years there are almost no stories about personal heroics or named war heroes.

When these wars are over BTW MAGAs and their allies will LOSE. AI advances will turn up in the civilian sector as that is how defense contractors really make their profits. Not from the war but how to use that technology for civilian uses. Atomic Bombs led to Atomic Energy and microwave antennas led to microwave ovens etc.

Then there is what happened after WW2, In the 1950s a new type of technology swept the nation and radically transformed our daily lives and culture, that tech was Television, and it took over every household by the end of the decade. One Tech Advancement from WW3 that could enter our homes and transform everything will be AI.

AI could lead to AI Robot Helpers, not just the sex bots for incels but AI nannies for married couples to do the housework and parenting. THE TRAD gender roles the MAGA start a war to protect will finally be finished off. What is a Dad or Mom's role when the robot nanny does it all? Not just a more sexier version of Rosie the Robot from Jetsons, it will be a more powerful version of Alexa, Siri and Cortana. 

During the Super Taylor Bowl, there was the He Gets Us Commercials, $100M Ad campaign for Jesus funded by right wing Hobby Lobby Billionaires. If this God is the ONE TRUE SUPREME LIVING GOD, then why does one have to sell it so hard and spend millions doing it? Goes back to what I said before, fighting to repel the deadliest threat any God can face, Irrelevance. Why they accuse Taylor Swift of witchcraft, her magic or sin in their eyes is being more popular than their Lord and Savior.

Just think really hard about that.

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The Coming Trainwreck

I have to give my commentary on this. , the nest 4 years will end in a total trainwreck, not only for the USA but it will be worse for MAGA ...