It is 2023, this is the roaring 20s of the 21st century, a where Anti-Abortion is the new prohibition and MAGA crazies with AR15s shooting up everything is the new Gangsters with Tommy Guns.
I am telling you right now, the Hammer is going to come down on all of this if the gun crowd does not get a grip. Oh and Prayer in Schools and all that assorted JesusCrap is not a solution. How did we get here to this point. It is easy Corporate Greed.
About 40 years ago hunting and sport shooting started to decline, now the GUN CULT would tell me "2A is not about hunting" they are right, but hunters and sport made up the bulk of gun sales and it was what dominated gun culture. Many reasons for the decline and its not because of liberal vegan animal rights and kids being indoctrinated against hunting by Bambi and Communist School Teachers or some other nonsense.
One chud told me to 'GET A JOB" and buy a gun. I have a job I have the money. Not going to blow $600 on something that I will likely NEVER USE as even sport shooting is becoming impractical for me to get involved in anymore.
It is the result of a population becoming more urban and the sport becoming more expensive and inaccessible, then more and more places being turned into golf courses and resorts for wealthy corporate types. When you have a person in their 20s who is working two jobs and a side hustle can barely pay rent, buying a $1000 hunting rifle and then more on all the required gear is not going to happen let along get the days off needed to drive 200 miles away to hunt.
NRA and the gun makers had to find a new market so they started to push the Self Defense freedom against tyranny strategy. Then 9/11 happened and we got the Global War on Terror, then the entire culture went Spec Ops Tacticool. Boomers grew up with guns that were about hunting and westerns where it was six shooters and Winchesters. Its 2023 we had 20 years with kids being exposed to Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Battlefield, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and countless others I cannot name.
Result we have a gun culture that has become toxic and running off the rails, and it is also a sign that Gun Culture any gun culture in the USA is actually going to die. End result of all of this carnage and insanity is we have two generations that could care less about guns and want tougher laws in 2028 they will be the biggest bloc of voters.
Response I get from gun cult is "but I teach my kids to shoot, they not gunna be soy boys" Congrats Good for you, well guess what? Most Dads are not like you anymore. Then there is the MAGA CIVIL WAR fantasies. They got all the guns and will win, but blame all these mass shootings on Democrats.
Democrats at the same time "dont believe in guns" and are soy boys who are obsessed with pronouns. All they need is MACHO AND GUNS. Brag they have all the veterans. Oh Really? then maybe they can all get together and get the rest squared away so they can stop looking like obese soup sandwiches in all the gun-fu videos I see. You know the ones with them doing things with firearms that would get one kicked off a military range by the NCOIC.
I will tell you right now the veterans who saw combat, were on the front lines. Last thing they want is a return to that hell. Tells me they are all wannabes who never enlisted or were POG FOBBITS who did more fuck all than I did when I was in the MIARNG. All of this is just over compensation as they enlisted and for one reason or another, and never became the Rambo Super Commando they wanted. So must get the glory they feel was denied to them.
This Civil War 2.0 will be a digital war, its the MACHO AR15 boys against the THEY/THEM operating drones turning MAGAs into WAS/WERE. The preppers, and MAGA Militia Alpha Males were also the first to lose the script two weeks into a pandemic because there was no live sports on TV, but these people are so ready for Civil War 2 or some Mad Max collapse of civilization.
No matter how things go form here the AR15 Tacticool Cult is a the death rattle of Gun Culture in America, it has mutated into a monster that we as a people are going to forced to finally put down like a mad beast. It either dies from the ballot box, withers away as the gun cultists die and there is no youth wanting to inherit their guns or from government bullets.
It is always the same excuses from the gun cult.
- We took GOD out of schools.
That same GOD that all in the Indian Boarding School Horror shows and was DGAF when his own priests were molesting kids? I think he should not be allowed within 1000ft from any school.
- We took "Discipline" out of school.
Code word for corporal punishment, teens are violent because adults are not violent towards them. Makes sense if you are a crack head.
- Breakdown of the Nuclear Family.
Of course this is where they blame feminism and women. BTW the real TRAD family was the EXTENDED FAMILY, that Nuclear model the GOP thinks is the holy ideal is a post WW2 industrial age invention.
- Its Mental Health.
Then why not fund mental health services, oh you don't want to do that.
By the way, we had most of that crap in the 1920s, a century ago and there was gangsters running around with tommy guns. It is the guns stupid.
Other nations have these problems, yet no weekly mass shootings, then bring up the Swiss, yes they have liberal gun laws, also regulations with them. A gun purchases require permits, everyone has to do 2 years of military conscription and they take marksman ship and training very seriously. If something like this happens in their country the Swiss government will law down the law real quick.
It will be Gen Z that will pull us out of this mess, as they are the majority of the victims of gun violence not surprisingly support tougher gun laws including bans on AR15s, and now in a recent poll 88% of them support labor Unions, huge increase from my Gen X at 60%. Because all of the gun violence is also tied into the GOP allowing Corporate Capitalism and Greed to run amok unchecked. Throw in the ROE reversal and you have a perfect storm for the GOP. In 2028 this group and millennials will be the majority of the electorate. GEN Z knows the GOP is not serious about this issue or any issue they find of importance and are voting accordingly. Just like the gangsters of the 1920s public finally got sick of the carnage.
The GOP is scared wants to raise the voting age the party offers them nothing, refuses to and will share the same fate as the Sign of the Beefcarver.