Russia is now blaming their losses on Ukrainian Gay Super Soldiers. You read that right THEY/THEM super soldiers are turning the straight macho Russian Army into WAS/WERE. They are not super soldiers, just trained on NATO weapons and tactics and are not poorly fed and equipped conscripts. Then the Ukrainian government is unifying their forces with GAY SEX, what like the band of Thebes? Whose unit cohesion was such that even the Spartans did not want to face them, when they did LOST horribly.
Once again THEY/THEM army is turning the Russian Forces into WAS/WERE. When all fails Putin pulls out the homophobic propaganda as his great traditional values army takes loss after loss because his military for the past 20 years of his rule was allowed to be gutted by the corruption of his very inner circle of oligarchs. Russia cannot even land a probe on the moon but the MAGA GOP thinks this country is something to aspire to.
There is now news that Ukraine has female pilots being trained to fly F16s and Zelensky is looking to make a deal with Sweden to acquire a few Gripen jets, in some aspects are SUPERIOR to the F16. I cannot wait to see Putin and MAGA chuds like Michael Knowles lose it when there ends up being a Ukrainian Female Fighter Ace, bonus if that Ace is a Lesbian or Trans.
The right is obsessed with Gay Stuff more than Gay people are, I had an 8th grade teacher who had a reply when kids in class used gay as a slur. "Football players talk about football, basketball players talk about basketball so people who talk about gay all the time...".
No surprise that so many of them get busted at some dive motel or gas station men's room off the free way engaging in meth and man ass.
This conspiracy theory is fueled by fear of their the masculine man becoming obsolete, and well he is. Technology is doing that. Wars are not longer dependent on hyper masculine heroics anymore, we no longer need 10 Rambos who enlisted because they did not get the college full ride athletic scholarship to destroy a target, just one geek piloting a drone with a off the shelf XBOX controller from a office building with AC. It is the same in our economy, those jobs that reinforced those traditional genders are going away. At my place I see women and men doing the SAME JOBS and many of those are leadership positions.
Recently two of Russia's nuclear capable long range bombers were taken out by Ukrainian Drones, this was as turned into a drone war which is a harbinger of a much larger Digital Age war to come. These are the madcap incoherent bigoted nonsense that a losing side cooks up to make excuses why they are losing to a smaller country that is equipped with NATO hand me down surplus weapons.
Education is going to start to reflect the 21st century reality, GOP and the evangelicals want to push homeschool, because something something parents rights or whatever. The same forget the system we have exists because 100 years ago those robber barons who were reshaping our economy and culture through the industrial revolution. Those Titans of Industry knew that the 20th century industrial sector needed workers educated with a set of skills and their the barely literate farmer parents were not up for the task. Today too many parents are not up to the task to educate their kids with the skills a 21st century Digital Age work force will require. Now those Titans of Industry are people like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos.
In about 20 years School Administrators will look at the High School Concussion Ball teams and PE programs and think, this is no longer working. We cant have something that causes brain damage, less boys now have Dads that even encourage it, because they are gamer dads. Too many show up to PE never once held a Baseball bat in their entire life. School Sports were created to create the manly man for the mines, mills or Military. In these small towns the Mine and Mill were shut down 25 years ago and the Military needs them less and less. PE will have to be more about life long fitness and nutrition not sports that breeds life long fandom that results on couch surfing and getting beer, soda and junk food and online casino commercials beamed into their brains. It will happen because the 21st Century Economy will require it to function.
We are getting to a point there will be more GAMERS than Sports fans, even Sports Illustrated Online had an article about Baldur's Gate 3 tips.
We are almost 1/4 into the 21st Century time to get with the program.
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