Monday, January 15, 2024

Little Rambos (GI JOKE part 1)

Yooo, Joe!

He'll fight for freedom!
Wherever there's trouble
G.I. Joe is there!

G.I. Joe (A Real American Hero)
G.I. Joe is there!

It's G.I. Joe against Cobra the enemy
Fighting to save the day!
He never gives up!
He's always there!
Fighting for freedom over land and air!

G.I. Joe (A Real American Hero)
G.I. Joe is there!

"G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring highly
Trained special mission force. It's purpose: to defend
Human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist
Organization determined to rule the world!"

He never gives up!
He'll stay til the fight's won!
G.I. Joe will dare!

Saw this a few weeks ago, the "hero" of Kenosha Kyle Rittenhouse dressed up in Tacticool Gear talking about a hard day of field training while still having an airsoft costume clean as it came off the rack.

I did real field training when I was in the MIARNG for 6 years, wo got dirty AF out in the field, and shooting in an indoor range is not FIELD TRAINING according to another person commenting on his twitter. BTW if you want to save from brain cells you not even go to that twitter posting.

I have a word for these people, GI JOKES, the 2A Militia movement is made up of nothing but them. People who either never served or if they were former military did less fuck all than I did. Left feeling like they were denied their destined glory.

Kyle's twitter feed there was one chud claiming you can get better small arms training in the civilian sector than the military because you an do it when you want to not when they want you to.

NO SHIT, in the military you do the training of what your MOS is, unless you are 11B or some other frontline combat arms you are going to do basic marksmanship with a busted ass M16 just to qualify. Same chud cried about lack of small arms training in the NAVY. It is the FUCKING NAVY, they work on ships, you are likely as a sailor will be maintaining aircraft, ship systems, sitting at a radar screen, or swabbing decks.

Unless you are SOCOM NAVY SEALS you will not be playing with M16s all that much. Fact is one of the hardest and toughest training programs in the United States Navy is not the SEALs, its Nuclear Power School. It requires one to have high ASVAB scores and pass a high security clearance and it is a very demanding academic program.

These MAGA run tactical gun schools are the bullshido McDojos of the gun world, likely getting meth heads to spend big money to learn and bunch of bullshit gun-fu that will likely get themselves killed. Just like the buckets of survival food Jim Bakker sells, The Con Man selling this crap knows the mark is never going to use it. There was one such school on Twitter that was run by a 25 year old high school dropout (even brags about not getting that WOKE diploma) who has zero military experience. YT vids of him dancing around like a chipmunk on crack flagging everything with his muzzle, He was even getting clowned by other 2A MAGA Vets as he said things like "everyone gets flagged in war" while using Saving Private Ryan as a source.

 Then there was thus HURP A DURP of Medieval Armies "lived off the land" and the FOOD WAS BETTER BACK THEN, no it was not. I took two ancient history courses at EMU and in both of them, the professor said, "The Average Person Lived a day away from starving to death". One complained about CANNED JUNKS. Canned food came about because those OLD WAYS did not work. History Channel has the built America Series, one is the FOOD that built America and there are episodes about Heinz and his innovation of metal CANNED food, also how Frito Lay got contracts to feed troops in the world wars.

Today's CANNED JUNKS are still superior to even the best food that only the nobility had access too. Troops in the middle ages and see our food and think it is some sort of miracle.

There entire concept of war comes from playing Call of Duty and Medieval Fantasy Games and none of it is reality.

All these people are in their MAGA Civil War Fantasies (and their "plans" are just that fantasies) are MAIN CHARACTER Lone Wolf Bad asses taking on the LIBS or something. Little Rambos that are in for a shock because the true LORD OF WAR is not guns, and masculinity but LOGISTICS. Those troops need to be equipped and fed, and a bunch of randos with guns showing up are not an army but what any legit army calls a GAGGLE FUCK. Because 2A MAGA militia movement is all about the self, the lone warrior fantasy. Army for those who do not want to sign up, have to get deployed, take order and put there needs before someone or something else.

Look at Ukraine, RUSSIA is for the past 2 years trying to take Ukraine with WW2 mass armor tactics dripping with "Traditional Masculinity", Ukraine is putting whatever talent they can find from whomever has regardless of sex or gender. That They/Them Army for the past two years has turned Russian forces into was/were.  Outdated tactics are slamming head first into 21st century weapons.

A Civil War 2.0 will be a DIGITAL WAR, the MAGA FORCE is not the ones who are going to have anything DIGITAL, whatever military decide to abandon their posts to join up will not be high speed low drag or anyone with any really high level special skills. Lowest of the shit bags, likely those working in the supply shed bored AF because they are not getting their GLORY. Any veterans they have are those who served 25 years ago. You really think the SKUNK WORKS are going to side with TRUMP? Best they have is ELON MUSK, he is an investor who never invented anything, took over Twitter and ran that into the ground while spewing racist theories how Black Women cant fly planes or some shit. Well we have hard data proving that White South African  Emerald Mine Heirs cannot run a social media website, especially ones who want to spend most of their waking hours in a K-Hole.

If Kyle decides to pull the same crap again now wearing his tacticool gear, he will likely get himself killed or get arrested this time on FEDERAL CHARGES.. Oh and a federal judge is going going to let him play jury lotto games or give him hugs. One of their own last summer, had hordes of guns, shown off his tacitcool gear and was then neutralized by FBI tactical response team without them breaking a sweat.

Civil War 2.0 might start with them shooting everything up, thinking they are winning but will end with them hiding scared in their basement bunkers from all the drones and advanced weapon systems that get developed to hunt them down.  

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The Coming Trainwreck

I have to give my commentary on this. , the nest 4 years will end in a total trainwreck, not only for the USA but it will be worse for MAGA ...