Friday, September 20, 2024

Pump and Dump (Warning COGNITO HAZARD)

 Last week I saw Vice President Kamala Harris debate Donald Trump and the Prosecutor skull dragged the felon across the floor. 

I went into this last week knowing the debate was going to be a soup sandwich, and a felon going up against an experienced Prosecutor went exactly well for Trump has I expected it would. No it EXCEEDED the expectations as she took his Gish Gallop and Narcissism, grabbed it by the neck and then shoved up his ass.

There were reports that lunatic far right influencer Laura Loomer was helping him with debate prep. Now there is speculation (I hope not) that these two are doing the sex. The Real Life Jabba the Hutt has found his Sy Snoodles. 

Excuses from the MAGAs began to flow, he had microphone earrings, she cheated! No she came prepared was doing her homework while Trump was fooling around The Plastic Fantastic.

Just one look at that photo and whoever her cosmetic surgeon was, needs to have their license revoked and then banned from ever being able to do what they did to flesh.

I also wonder Melania is making plans and know that her time with Trump has expired. Pump and Dump. Right after the debate DJT stock had a massive plunge in value of a stock already in decline.

Trump then said he would not sell his shares when the hold on selling expires, rock saw a jump in value and then rants because SEC is talking a closer look. This SCP Horror Show was why Trump at the debate told the lie that Haitian Immigrants are eating house pets in Springfield OH. Lie that has now led to KKK  and Proud Boys to descend on the town and caused several bomb threats. 

JD Vance then decides to throw his own home state under the bus. This campaign is going so well.

Then another MAGA tried an even more half assed assassination attempt, yet we then found out it was another MAGA doing it.

One thing I have noticed in my facebook feeds of those I went to High School with, it is all the "in crowd" that went MAGA especially my Class President/Prom Queen. Trump makes them all feel they way they felt when they were on the top of that particular hierarchy. One that ended once they graduated and entered a dull life of dead end jobs and being bored trad-hoes.

None of this is about the economy or inflation, its a group of people who want their "status" back.

Friday, August 30, 2024

MAGA is Hazardous to your health (The Eater of Worlds 1)


I have been following this blog for some time and he commented on this video of Kamala and her husband both making dinner. You see what is a healthy relationship.

But the GOP does not want that, she is supposed to be in the kitchen while Doug is sitting on his ass drinking beer and watching sportsball.

Nothing that MAGAGOP has in their platform or do in deed is healthy. Their MAGA King despite having access to the best food would rather eat McDonalds, does not do any physical activity except for golf and spends most of his day in Mar A Lago sitting on his fatness like a real life Jabba the Hutt, he even has a harem of plastic surgery mutants who all trying to look like Sy Snoodles.

Where is Trump's 3rd wife Melania? When we see their son Barron he gives off a vibe of being  very mentally broken as reports of him abusing his nannies and killing animals for pleasure are surfacing. Don Jr appears as he is COKED out of his mind half the time and has one divorce under his belt while his Dad has two. 

Right after Trump was inaugurated, Bill Maher had a New Rules segment called Pillbillies, where He did a run down of all those counties that went for Obama in 2012, then went for Trump in 2016 all had huge problems with Opioid Addictions. In the Just Say No! 1980s, Drug Addiction was always depicted as a Urban Black and Brown People Problem, now I see more and more YouTube videos about Drug Addiction that is happening in the white rural towns and communities and these drugs are ones FAR WORSE than crack was in the inner cities.

Used to be the LEFT was the ones blamed for destroying America with their drug use. Well even back in 2016, the LEFT has left that behind and are the ones who are about kale smoothies and fitness. The Left went for the COVID Vaccine while MAGA died listening to incoherent conspiracy theories. Project 2025 is a menu of them blaming all of these problems on lack of JESUS and LIBERALS causing all of it by pushing JESUS out of everything.

They claim you cannot have JOY without JESUS, but they are the ones who are the most miserable. Looks like JESUS is doing JACK SHIT for them.

NO, their "Traditions" are toxic and unhealthy for mental, physical health and the environment. P25 is just a national policy for them to double down on their addictions, while wanting to ban others like PORN, which they are the leading consumers of, want to end No Fault Divorce as they lead the nation in broken marriages.

MAGAs high holy TRAD WIFE ended for the same reasons Animal Circuses are fading away, Saturday Morning Cartoons are gone and Music Videos left MTV, the Free Market could not support it any more and it was TOXIC. Your Trad wife grandmother spend her days strung out on pills and wine to get through the day.  Even back then that was a LUXURY ITEM, and it was only available for WHITE people. 

When Ringling Bros shut down before Trump's Inauguration, conservatives lamenting its loss were blaming Liberals for destroying our heritage. Because driving 45 minutes away to spend $35 to see an exotic animal get abused and tortured by Meth Addled High School Drop outs with a likelihood of being on a sex offender registry is not a "heritage" that many decided to keep supporting with their dollars. 

I also noticed that on Facebook, it is all the "in crowd" of my High School that is all in for Trump. Trump makes them feel the way when they were all Prom Queens and Varsity Heroes. Went from being at the top of a social hierarchy to an existence of soul sucking boredom as trad wives and working stiffs. They spend 4 years on the top of a social hierarchy all to see it end on graduation and those beneath them whose feet they stepped on are now asses to the assed they have to kiss. The women just used their Prom Queen Pussy to get a husband with money , traded any independence and self worth. For the guys, the recruiters never came with that D1 scholarship. These were the ones who wore expensive trendy clothes to school but never had any school supplies but Gym Class was SERIOUS BUSINESS. Many still act the same way they did 25 years ago while the rest of us had to get jobs and educations to survive in society. We all saw personal growth why they never did.

So stuck on chasing that high that they had children so they can live vicariously through that it became toxic and ruined any relationship they had with them. Dragged them to adult run corporate owned youth spots organizations and watched them burn out at 10 instead of becoming Varsity Heroes, then blamed video games not the fact their kids experience was a toxic cesspool. Bro Dad ended up getting into a brawl with the Referee because after spending 5 years spending $5-15K his kid still SUCKS. 

COVID broke many of them, as this was the first time they really faced adversity and just had mental breakdowns. Suddenly the sports and proms were cancelled and the dread that their 5 year old was going to now drift off into digital la la land set in. BTW many of them did, and COVID likely just advanced the timeline, as they left at 6 instead of 11. 

Youth Sports, Video Games, Trendy Fashions etc. are all starting to SUCK because of one thing. Private Equity Firms, another free market Eater of Worlds destroying our favorite brands and entire industries. Youth Sports became expensive cesspools only for the privileged. Name Brand fashions are all now cheap fast fashion rags that do not last a year. Private Equity is why many AAA Video Games are now live service games that are huge money and time sinks, the latest one is Concord which now has earned its place in VG history as one of the most expensive FLOPS ever in a string of live service games rejected by gamers. 

JD Vance is literally backed by Silicon Valley Tech Bros whose latest big thing they want to push on is is AI. MAGAGOP thinks that this new thing will be something they can control and just like COVID will do more harm to any of the American "Heritage" they claim. This be another Eater of Worlds that their unregulated capitalism has created. You think "traditional" gender roles will survive AI and if Elon Musk creates sexbots for his incel cult members? Those bots will also be bought or rented by two parent households who need the extra help, could find out they do a better job than humans. We cried about kids raised in from of a TV, NES, Tablet well the natural progression is kids raised by robots.

In the end MAGAGOP insists this is the REAL AMERICA and true traditional way of life that we must all embrace. No thanks, this is nothing I could possibly ever want. These traditions will all become causalities of the 21st century.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Morning in America

In July President Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the race and then endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement. Instead of chaos as many feared the Democrats immediately fell in line behind her and raised $200M in 3 days.

Of Course MAGA is not taking it well, Trump is now refusing to debate her and the excuses are many. MAGA claims she is not popular while Trump is losing the lead in several swing states he had against Biden, MAGA claims that Harris will not be the nominee as she will get replaced. Oh really by who? Everyone is getting behind Kamala while there is talk that Trump will dump Vance because he has become a total embarrassment that is bringing nothing the campaign. So far He has offended cat owners, accused to having sexual relations with furniture and burning money testicles.

VP Harris called them "weird" and now that label is sticking while she is still raising money though live streams on Zoom. Kamala Harris is showing massive momentum and energy that can only be countered with more of the same and so far Trump MAGA seems to not have any more to spare.

Project 2025 MAGAs evil plan is getting more and more attention and everyone who sees it does not like it. Military Bloggers like Task and Purpose and YouTuber Ward Carroll have had discussions on it and they do not like it.

 When these are the people who know and hate it Trump is SCREWED. Also Gun YouTubers are doing their own forensic ballistic tests on grazing ears and coming to the conclusion that Trump's claims are bullshit.  Then came the convention that had an energy, ratings and production that blew the GOP out of the water and struck hear into Charlie Kirk.

The far left progressives are not taking her speech well, because its not far left enough. Look what she is doing is how landslide victories are made. VP Harris is building coalitions, there is a reason she chose Gov Walz as her running mate, and is everything that the GOP claimed to be for, football coach, a hunter and a veteran. It has MAGA in a total meltdown.  The response was  just dig deeper in a hole of deplorable behavior by mocking his neurodivergent son, and Trump angers the VFW by disrespecting the Congressional Medal of Honor. Yet MAGAs still want to say he loves the USA and is a Patriot.

Patriot for whom? Sure does not look like it is the United States of America.

Now it gets worse, as Trump's campaign is in heat for a staffer getting into a civilian fight at Arlington Cemetery because he is not allowed to the grounds for any campaigning purposes. These fascists seen the Democrats take, the love of country and flag waving away from then and are desperate to get it back even if it mean breaking federal laws. 

Sure many want their progressive ideals, but right now the main objective is defeating Trump and ending MAGA, rest can come later.

Get with the Program.

Anti Child - A Rant

 I read this blog here and Project 2025 wants to ban dog parks because they are anti child because people would prefer dogs to kids or some excuse.  Same boomers pr fellow Gen Xers who blame video games why the kids are not outside anymore. They had the sand lot, big field, local woods, public park with the pool.

Well Boomer or Gen Xer......

Who Turned that sand lot into a parking lot?

Who Turned that big field into a shopping mall, that is now a dying mall that is slated to become a Wal Mart or Amazon Warehouse.

Who Turned the local woods into Condo McMansions?

Who Turned the public park into a pay to play corporate sportsplex, with $300 sign up fees with 65% of the kids quitting that sport before 12 because it "straight sucks"?

Who Did That?

Anti Child is the 40 years to economic policy and urban development has become hostile to raising children and making it outright unaffordable. Then adding things like school shootings are just making it unappealing.  I am 47 single with no children and I do not feel like I am missing out on anything but and long list of bullshit. I worked a string of crap jobs with periods of unemployment so getting into any relationship was not anything I had a desire for.

Of course the BOOMERS just blame video games for "pulling them away" to quote Michael French of Retroblasting. "Maybe the kids ran screaming to video games because you screwed up royal" Now he was referring to the action figures and the toy industry. Same problem pushed the kids away for adult collectors and now the industry complains the kids don't want their toys.

Seeing the crap the GOP is pushing on women and I find that has to be exhausting if I had to put up with it. You are SUPPOED to want babies and love JESUS or some shit. Now when it comes to the NONES who are walking away from religion it is the WOMEN who are leading the charge. I wonder why that is.

I DGAF on what as a straight male I am SUPPOSED to like to want to do. I know sooner or later MAGA will aim that shit they inflict on women because I am not adhering to their MAGA Macho Bullshit. MAGA is all nothing but the worst infantile behavior I have not seen since middle school, it is no surprise that it is the "in crowd" from by high school class that went MAGA, worse being my class president.

 Its all about LOSS OF STATUS. inflation makes them feel like their are one of the POORS, have to cut back and not buy the expensive brands anymore.  These were the people who wore the expensive mall brands but never had school supplies in any of their classes except PE that was serious business. 

COVID and Inflation finally caused them to face adversity the first time in their lives and they lost their damn minds. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Debate and Immunity

After the Debate the MSM was all calling for President Biden to step down, Biden looked terrible as he appeared to have a cold. Has one bad day and everyone wants to throw in the towel.  There is no "liberal media" there is CORPORATE Media and they are all propping up Trump and MAGAGOP, for whatever reasons, ratings, profit, LULZ. 

I saw this before in the 1980s the last decade of the USSR, the media was propping them up as the greatest threat to the USA. Even Hollywood joined in to make film like Red Dawn, because the Soviets also make a good stock villain.  Main purpose was to keep the government money flowing to the Defense Industry we all ate up the propaganda. Truth was that the USSR was slowly dying, in economic stagnation since 1975 and riddled with corruption.

IN 1987 ABC aired a miniseries Amerika, about the USA getting conquered by the USSR in the most convoluted way possible, the series aged like milk as two years later we were all shocked to see the Berlin Wall come down and then the USSR itself in 1991.  Shocked because we all ate the propaganda and could not see the truth due to the Iron Curtain as well. But reality did break through, in 1986 there was the Chernobyl Disaster showing us things are seriously wrong and the 9 year losing war in Afghanistan.

Reality MAGAGOP is also in trouble, Trump still as 34 felony convictions he has yet to get sentenced for and money he is raising is not going to his campaign or the down ballots who he want to pay a 5% tribute to get his endorsement and his crowd sizes at is rallies are not what they used to be.

This Debate has not caused Trump to get a bump in the polling, Biden still managed to out raise Trump. Biden had a high energy rally in NC the next day while in VA Trump rambled about "black jobs". He is using white supremacist dog whistles to pull black voters away, which is a red flag that something is wrong.

MSM propping up Trump is not mentioning the one dark cloud hanging over the GOP, the Abortion Issue and the reversal of ROE. Women are not drifting to Trump in anyway and they outnumber men.

Reagan had a bad first debate against Mondale, he won in a landslide.

Obama had a terrible first debate with McCain and Romney and he won both times.

July 1st SCOTUS gave Trump, Biden and all future presidents immunity for OFFICIAL acts, how the pundits are saying this is BAD for America and it is, but also could be WORSE for Trump's chance in the election. Remember ROE overturn shot the GOP's Midterm Chances to pieces and now more independent voters could start to say HELL TO THE NO! and we still have the July 11th sentencing to look forward to. All the POLLS forget, A Majority WOMEN are never going to vote GOP and these issues are causing a left vs right split with young men and women. ROE mostly effects women, giving Trump the power of a king affects everyone. Now we need to fight harder to stop him from ever getting coronated.  

If and when Trump loses the fight is not over, likely they will try Civil War 2. Here is the thing they will lose and the Christian Nationalist will make up the HIGHEST causalities among MAGA and will likely be Evangelical Conservative Christianity's extinction level event. For one the 2A AR15 MAGA militia except for Erik Prince and his Mercenaries only think all they need is GUNS, MACHO and JESUS. No consideration for any of the non glamorous work involved, like logistics or getting organized. Most of them hate each other and all want to be MAD MAX or RAMBO fighting as some LONE WOLF Billy Badass. "I will love off the land, I hunt" what happens when Bovine TB or Chronic Wasting Disease tears through the local deer populations and also gets over hunted by other MAGAs doing the same thing?

Also Civil War 2 and WW3 will be DIGITAL WARS, we are seeing the beginnings of that in Ukraine with the use of drones making Military Experts question of combat mainstays such as tanks are now obsolete. AR15s toting bad ass wannabes getting hit BVR by drones piloted by Liberal "soyboys" miles away in some secure facility.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Cultural Cesspools

 By 2055 there is a possibility that the USA will be Godless and Gunless nation. The two things the Conservatives think what America is supposed to be about and make it great, It will not be the liberals that make this happen. But the MAGAGOP NRA Evangelicals themselves that bring this about.

None of their Christian Nationalism is bringing people to Christ, fact is it is turning them away. A year into the Trump Presidency, Friendly Atheist had an article about how less Christians are "sharing the gospel". Because NO ONE wants to hear about their religion. The one that is separating families at the border, taking away women's reproductive rights, attacking vulnerable groups while protecting abusers in their own ranks and flooding them with a barrage of lies they cannot escape. 

Why would I or any sane person want to be any part of that? It is all because these places have become cesspools infested with toxic people.

I read this blog and hear about the drama he put up with at the church he finally left and others who were pushed out by the fanatics and how now him and these others are now not conservative or Christian anymore. 

When the Fanatics take over the moderate sane people leave and the organization shrinks gets more toxic to the point that no new members want to join. Why join a church or any social organization that will just add more drama and stress to your life?

In 40 years Gun Culture went from being about mostly hunters and sport to the cult of SELF DEFENSE and MILITAS. Six Shooters and Lever Action Rifles got replaced by black taciticool rifles and prepping for some Mad Max scenario. Kids under the threat of school shootings and having to do lockdown drills are not going to embrace gun ownership.

Gun chuds come out and say "I teach my son to love guns and hunt" good for you while you do that ten others are not.

When people leave, it is NEVER their fault, no Satan pulled them away. It was video games that caused their son to quit sportsball and now will not be Captain Varsity. Not the fact he never had any talent or passion and was only there out of obligation because you made him do it and spent 80% of the time riding bench and the other 20% being target of abuse from adults.

Oh but it was Super Mario that pulled him away. Not the washed up high school hero who was his coach screaming at him or watching other dads get into fights with each other. 65'5 of kids in sports will burn out before 13. To quote Michael French of Retroblasting "Maybe the kids ran screaming to video games because you screwed up royal."

Trump is at some Evangelical Convention in Nashville rambling about baseball fields being replaced by "knocker fields". His rotting brain is probably trying to say soccer, because brown people are coming in and prefer that to Baseball, America's "past time".  Little League Participation has been in decline since 1995, I see it with the young new hires at my job, I can get into conservations with them about the video game Insurgency Sandstorm than any recent sports game that happened recently except for major events like the Super Bowl. If immigrants are changing our sports preference SO WHAT? 75 years ago the top three sports was Baseball, Boxing and Horse Racing. Now only one is a major attraction.

Seeing this cancer with pop culture fandoms, Madame Web recently tanked HARD at the box office. All the middle aged white fan boys are crying GO WOKE GO BROKE or M-SHE-U. I knew this film was going to brick when I first heard of it. Like that kid in the crappy sports ball league the film was done out of obligation. Sony made it to keep the movie rights from reverting back to Disney/Marvel and used a Z List character that only exists in Spiderman comics to drive the plot forward, not a character that is suitable to lead a feature. Madame Web is a plot device in the comics not a leading character.

Studio hired a director who did TV shows and never had any feature film experience and no surprise this entire film looked like it belonged as CW TV Movie or straight to a streaming service.

Script was written by two people who wrote other box office turds like Gods of Egypt and Dracula Untold. There is now rumors that Chat GPT helped write this movie as well. 

ADR for the main antagonist was so terrible that his speech did not synch with this lips and looked like a badly dubbed over Anime Character. Then the Editing at parts was amateur at best making many of the scenes disjointed. This mess then caused Dakota Johnston to fire her talent agent over this film and her performance had as much passion as that kid stuck in a sport he does not want to be in, looks of it other people working on  that film same lack of interest.

Madame Web failed because it was a GARBAGE movie, not because it refused to cater to the "real fans" these REAL fans forget that the MCU was a box office juggernaut because it appealed to the casual movie goer who does not have a Masters Degree in Super Hero Studies from a State University. Casual movie goers only care about the A list Super Heroes not a film about some D List Side Character they barely know about. They will go to see a Superman Film, not some lower budget film about Jimmy Olsen. Super Hero Fatigue is real, it is from the casuals getting fatigued over the steady stream of garbage. Trump MAGA Fatigue is also real despite these polls saying Trump is leading people are getting tired of the constant ramblings and constant drama. Like the Westerns they got so bad that every one will want them GONE. None of these things can keep going on like this.

Outside forces are not destroying these things, they are collapsing from the rot that is happening on the inside. .

Monday, February 12, 2024

Holy War (Sign of the BeefCarver Fate)

So Trump want to wage Holy War Against Taylor Swift, because in his eyes and the eyes of any Cult and Cult Leader her greatest sin  is being more popular than them. Trump is having a tantrum because she got Time Person of the Year and not him. Then people joked MAGA will use Kid Rock. Then news came out that is EXACTLY what MAGA is going to do. 

Kid Rock has not been anything resembling relevant since the 1990s. Swift has massive cultural power, her Person of the Year edition sold more copies of that magazine that Time sold ALL YEAR. The Religious Right and their culture wars has a LONG history of losing.

Tried to stop Jazz - LOST

Tried to stop Rock Music - LOST

Tried to stop Comic Books - LOST

Tried to stop Elvis - LOST

Tried to stop Television - LOST

Tried to stop Dungeons and Dragons - LOST

Tried to stop Video Games - LOST

Tried to stop Teletubbies - LOST

They did overturn ROE and how well has that worked out for them? 

Seem like their LIVING ALL POWERFUL GOD of ONE SUPREME TRUTH is just weak against secular pop culture, it is as if this God really is not some undeniable force of nature but another cultural construct and without the hype and attention it just fades away like all other Gods or cultural IPs that has faded away. Because all Gods eventually die from the same terminal illness, Irrelevance.

That is where their religion is heading, 28% of America are now NONES, and that ratio is higher among Millennials and Gen Z.

This all reminds me of that scene in the Avengers where Tony Stark is in Stark Tower, telling Loki there is no version of this where he comes out in top. Loki says all there is is the war. Stark replies, we have a Hulk. We have Taylor Swift. Army of God went down to Texas to do something at the border. 700,000 were supposed to show up but only like 500 did and got there and saw there is no invasion. 

Trump wants to call Swift disloyal if she endorses Biden because he was the reason she is a star. Look fool she was already rising to the top when Obama was president and Trump being president would have been some sick joke. 

Then there is the "We have 75 million gun owners the worlds largest army" No you don't, not all gun owners are of the same political bloc and of those that are how many of them and their guns are "mission capable" I saw that convoy in Texas most of them look older than me, obese and out of shape. Best you have is a fat kid who shot a guy with a skateboard. BTW he is getting FATTER. How are you going to get those you do have together and get them organized into a cohesive fighting force? Then there is the entire problem of FEEDING THEM. You know they need to eat, add in the medical issues that will crop up. Eagle Pass TX, has already shown us you can barely do any of that.

LIVING OFF THE LAND is not a plan or solution. You have manly man with GUNS. We have Taylor Swift.

Here is the kicker, you see US Civil War 2 and a possible WW3 will be Digital Age Battlespaces and wars also accelerate tech advances. WW2 gave us the Atomic Age but these wars will give us the Age of AI. Because both of these wars will be about who has access to information and advanced weapon systems not who has guns and macho. We are already seeing the run up to this in Ukraine, Russia was all hyper macho heavy armor and brute force then immediately got ravaged by Ukrainians using Drones, Javelins and NLAWS, after 2 years there are almost no stories about personal heroics or named war heroes.

When these wars are over BTW MAGAs and their allies will LOSE. AI advances will turn up in the civilian sector as that is how defense contractors really make their profits. Not from the war but how to use that technology for civilian uses. Atomic Bombs led to Atomic Energy and microwave antennas led to microwave ovens etc.

Then there is what happened after WW2, In the 1950s a new type of technology swept the nation and radically transformed our daily lives and culture, that tech was Television, and it took over every household by the end of the decade. One Tech Advancement from WW3 that could enter our homes and transform everything will be AI.

AI could lead to AI Robot Helpers, not just the sex bots for incels but AI nannies for married couples to do the housework and parenting. THE TRAD gender roles the MAGA start a war to protect will finally be finished off. What is a Dad or Mom's role when the robot nanny does it all? Not just a more sexier version of Rosie the Robot from Jetsons, it will be a more powerful version of Alexa, Siri and Cortana. 

During the Super Taylor Bowl, there was the He Gets Us Commercials, $100M Ad campaign for Jesus funded by right wing Hobby Lobby Billionaires. If this God is the ONE TRUE SUPREME LIVING GOD, then why does one have to sell it so hard and spend millions doing it? Goes back to what I said before, fighting to repel the deadliest threat any God can face, Irrelevance. Why they accuse Taylor Swift of witchcraft, her magic or sin in their eyes is being more popular than their Lord and Savior.

Just think really hard about that.

Pump and Dump (Warning COGNITO HAZARD)

 Last week I saw Vice President Kamala Harris debate Donald Trump and the Prosecutor skull dragged the felon across the floor.  I went into ...