Friday, August 30, 2024

MAGA is Hazardous to your health (The Eater of Worlds 1)


I have been following this blog for some time and he commented on this video of Kamala and her husband both making dinner. You see what is a healthy relationship.

But the GOP does not want that, she is supposed to be in the kitchen while Doug is sitting on his ass drinking beer and watching sportsball.

Nothing that MAGAGOP has in their platform or do in deed is healthy. Their MAGA King despite having access to the best food would rather eat McDonalds, does not do any physical activity except for golf and spends most of his day in Mar A Lago sitting on his fatness like a real life Jabba the Hutt, he even has a harem of plastic surgery mutants who all trying to look like Sy Snoodles.

Where is Trump's 3rd wife Melania? When we see their son Barron he gives off a vibe of being  very mentally broken as reports of him abusing his nannies and killing animals for pleasure are surfacing. Don Jr appears as he is COKED out of his mind half the time and has one divorce under his belt while his Dad has two. 

Right after Trump was inaugurated, Bill Maher had a New Rules segment called Pillbillies, where He did a run down of all those counties that went for Obama in 2012, then went for Trump in 2016 all had huge problems with Opioid Addictions. In the Just Say No! 1980s, Drug Addiction was always depicted as a Urban Black and Brown People Problem, now I see more and more YouTube videos about Drug Addiction that is happening in the white rural towns and communities and these drugs are ones FAR WORSE than crack was in the inner cities.

Used to be the LEFT was the ones blamed for destroying America with their drug use. Well even back in 2016, the LEFT has left that behind and are the ones who are about kale smoothies and fitness. The Left went for the COVID Vaccine while MAGA died listening to incoherent conspiracy theories. Project 2025 is a menu of them blaming all of these problems on lack of JESUS and LIBERALS causing all of it by pushing JESUS out of everything.

They claim you cannot have JOY without JESUS, but they are the ones who are the most miserable. Looks like JESUS is doing JACK SHIT for them.

NO, their "Traditions" are toxic and unhealthy for mental, physical health and the environment. P25 is just a national policy for them to double down on their addictions, while wanting to ban others like PORN, which they are the leading consumers of, want to end No Fault Divorce as they lead the nation in broken marriages.

MAGAs high holy TRAD WIFE ended for the same reasons Animal Circuses are fading away, Saturday Morning Cartoons are gone and Music Videos left MTV, the Free Market could not support it any more and it was TOXIC. Your Trad wife grandmother spend her days strung out on pills and wine to get through the day.  Even back then that was a LUXURY ITEM, and it was only available for WHITE people. 

When Ringling Bros shut down before Trump's Inauguration, conservatives lamenting its loss were blaming Liberals for destroying our heritage. Because driving 45 minutes away to spend $35 to see an exotic animal get abused and tortured by Meth Addled High School Drop outs with a likelihood of being on a sex offender registry is not a "heritage" that many decided to keep supporting with their dollars. 

I also noticed that on Facebook, it is all the "in crowd" of my High School that is all in for Trump. Trump makes them feel the way when they were all Prom Queens and Varsity Heroes. Went from being at the top of a social hierarchy to an existence of soul sucking boredom as trad wives and working stiffs. They spend 4 years on the top of a social hierarchy all to see it end on graduation and those beneath them whose feet they stepped on are now asses to the assed they have to kiss. The women just used their Prom Queen Pussy to get a husband with money , traded any independence and self worth. For the guys, the recruiters never came with that D1 scholarship. These were the ones who wore expensive trendy clothes to school but never had any school supplies but Gym Class was SERIOUS BUSINESS. Many still act the same way they did 25 years ago while the rest of us had to get jobs and educations to survive in society. We all saw personal growth why they never did.

So stuck on chasing that high that they had children so they can live vicariously through that it became toxic and ruined any relationship they had with them. Dragged them to adult run corporate owned youth spots organizations and watched them burn out at 10 instead of becoming Varsity Heroes, then blamed video games not the fact their kids experience was a toxic cesspool. Bro Dad ended up getting into a brawl with the Referee because after spending 5 years spending $5-15K his kid still SUCKS. 

COVID broke many of them, as this was the first time they really faced adversity and just had mental breakdowns. Suddenly the sports and proms were cancelled and the dread that their 5 year old was going to now drift off into digital la la land set in. BTW many of them did, and COVID likely just advanced the timeline, as they left at 6 instead of 11. 

Youth Sports, Video Games, Trendy Fashions etc. are all starting to SUCK because of one thing. Private Equity Firms, another free market Eater of Worlds destroying our favorite brands and entire industries. Youth Sports became expensive cesspools only for the privileged. Name Brand fashions are all now cheap fast fashion rags that do not last a year. Private Equity is why many AAA Video Games are now live service games that are huge money and time sinks, the latest one is Concord which now has earned its place in VG history as one of the most expensive FLOPS ever in a string of live service games rejected by gamers. 

JD Vance is literally backed by Silicon Valley Tech Bros whose latest big thing they want to push on is is AI. MAGAGOP thinks that this new thing will be something they can control and just like COVID will do more harm to any of the American "Heritage" they claim. This be another Eater of Worlds that their unregulated capitalism has created. You think "traditional" gender roles will survive AI and if Elon Musk creates sexbots for his incel cult members? Those bots will also be bought or rented by two parent households who need the extra help, could find out they do a better job than humans. We cried about kids raised in from of a TV, NES, Tablet well the natural progression is kids raised by robots.

In the end MAGAGOP insists this is the REAL AMERICA and true traditional way of life that we must all embrace. No thanks, this is nothing I could possibly ever want. These traditions will all become causalities of the 21st century.

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The Coming Trainwreck

I have to give my commentary on this. , the nest 4 years will end in a total trainwreck, not only for the USA but it will be worse for MAGA ...